# Documentation Community Team Meeting (April 2023) - **Date:** 2023-04-03 - **Time:** [19:00 UTC](https://arewemeetingyet.com/UTC/2023-03-06/19:00/Docs%20Meeting) - **This HackMD:** [https://hackmd.io/@encukou/pydocswg1](https://hackmd.io/@encukou/pydocswg1) - [**Discourse thread**](https://discuss.python.org/t/25337) (for April) - [**Meeting reports**](https://docs-community.readthedocs.io/en/latest/monthly-meeting/index.html) (the latest one might be an [**unmerged PR**](https://github.com/python/docs-community/pulls)) - **Calendar event:** (send your e-mail to Mariatta for an invitation) - **How to participate:** - Go to [Google Meet](https://meet.google.com/dii-qrzf-wkw) and ask to be let in. - To edit notes, click the “pencil” or “split view” button on the [HackMD document](https://hackmd.io/@encukou/pydocswg1). You need to log in (e.g. with a GitHub account). By participating in this meeting, you are agreeing to abide by and uphold the [PSF Code of Conduct](https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/). Please take a second to read through it! ## Roll call (Name / `@GitHubUsername`) - Petr Viktorin (`@encukou`) - Mariatta (`@mariatta`) - CAM (`@CAM-Gerlach`) - Hugo (`@hugovk`) - Joanna (`@jablonskidev`) - Ned (`@nedbat`) ## Introductions Welcome Joanna ## Reports and celebrations * [Dark theme for docs.python.org](https://github.com/python/python-docs-theme/pull/44) now [live](https://docs.python.org/3.12/)! Thanks Hugo! * [Final PEPs and the canonical docs banner link](https://github.com/python/peps/issues/2719) now [merged](https://github.com/python/peps/pull/2992), thanks Pradyun (and Hugo)! * See [PEP 621](https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/) for a live example * Sphinx warnings for nit-picky mode (undefined references) [merged](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/102513)! * show Sphinx warnings in changed files, can't fail * show Sphinx warnings in required-list (e.g. What's New in 3.12), can fail * Further followups in [python/cpython#103116](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/103116), [python/cpython#103135](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/103135) and [python/cpython#103191](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/103191) all merged! * [blurb PR](https://github.com/python/blurb_it/pull/332) to avoid spaces in filenames ## Discussion * Netlify preview links are in * Docs Editorial [Board?] * There's editorial board (who's in it, how to get the "authority") * More feedback, input and questions from Joanna, hopefully! * what's blocking people from contributing? * time, money * is there problem with some part of process * CAM: has been productive, but still have time & money constraints * lack of direction, authority * impostor syndrome, what can we do? * Needs organization, we can do something about it * Funding: some programs exist like Season of Docs * Contributing to docs is considered second class. (It is not here). * volunteering * we can't tell people what to do, but we can guide and direct them. * potential tasks/issues for PyCon US sprint * moving PEP 636 * who wants to volunteer to be the authority of editorial? ### Python Project Documentation *Relating to `docs.python.org`, `peps.python.org`, `devguide.python.org`, etc.* Followups from last month(s)? * [Lutra](https://pradyunsg.me/lutra/)! Improving the bus factor, accessibility and next steps? * Move [PEP 636 (Structural Pattern Matching: Tutorial)](https://peps.python.org/pep-0636) to main docs * See [Discourse thread](https://discuss.python.org/t/is-there-a-good-writeup-talk-about-the-implementation-of-pep-634/21987/6) * [`concurrent.futures`](https://docs.python.org/3.12/library/concurrent.futures.html) reorgantization * See [Diataxis website](https://diataxis.fr/) and [Diataxis workshop videos](https://discuss.python.org/t/recordings-available-for-python-docs-diataxis-workshop/19518) for more information on organization ## Next meeting The docs team generally meets on the first Monday of every month. We have a recurring Google Calendar event for the meeting. Let Mariatta know your email address and she can invite you.